PS2001-2420-1001 | Güç kaynağı PS2000; EtherCAT ile, çıkış: 24 V DC, 20 A; giriş: AC 100…240 V/DC 110…150 V, 1 fazlı
The power supply PS2001-2420-1001 is a single-phase, 24 V DC power supply with an integrated EtherCAT interface, an output current of 20 A and an output power of 480 W. On the input side, the device has a wide range input, a power factor correction (PFC) and an inrush current surge regulation. The output operates according to the UI characteristic curve and switches to safe hiccup mode in case of overload/short circuit. The PS2001-2420-1001 has an extra power with a permanent, maximum output power of 120 % and can precisely trigger fuses with short-term peak current. The power supply belongs to the PS2000 family and has a width of 48 mm. Via the EtherCAT interface it is possible to access internal device parameters and in particular measurement data directly in TwinCAT. Some important operating parameters, e.g. output current or output voltage, are transferred online and updated at short intervals. In addition to the pre-set data, further voltage, current and temperature data can be added to the monitoring. With information about the input voltage and possible input transients as well as counters for undervoltages and overvoltages, a 1-phase mains monitoring can be realized. On the output side, device information can be used to monitor the plant via direct transmission of error messages, warnings and status information to the controller. The corresponding warning thresholds in the device can be easily and specifically parameterized in TwinCAT. It is also possible to switch the power supplies remotely via the EtherCAT interface. The status of the output voltage can be displayed via the EtherCAT data or the DC OK LED on the front of the housing.
Endustriyel Bilgisayarlar
Endustriyel Bilgisayarlar
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